The page-translation step is optional. Page translation is in effect only when the PG bit of CR0 is set. This bit is typically set by the operating system during software initialization. The PG bit must be set if the operating system is to implement multiple virtual 8086 tasks, page-oriented protection, or page-oriented virtual memory.
Figure 5-9 shows how the processor converts the DIR, PAGE, and OFFSET fields of a linear address into the physical address by consulting two levels of page tables. The addressing mechanism uses the DIR field as an index into a page directory, uses the PAGE field as an index into the page table determined by the page directory, and uses the OFFSET field to address a byte within the page determined by the page table.
Two levels of tables are used to address a page of memory. At the higher
level is a page directory. The page directory addresses up to 1K page tables
of the second level. A page table of the second level addresses up to 1K
pages. All the tables addressed by one page directory, therefore, can
address 1M pages (2^(20)). Because each page contains 4K bytes 2^(12)
bytes), the tables of one page directory can span the entire physical
address space of the 80386 (2^(20) times 2^(12) = 2^(32)).
The physical address of the current page directory is stored in the CPU
register CR3, also called the page directory base register (PDBR). Memory
management software has the option of using one page directory for all
tasks, one page directory for each task, or some combination of the two.
Refer to
Chapter 10
for information on initialization of CR3 . Refer to
Chapter 7
to see how CR3 can change for each task .
When P=0 in either level of page tables, the entry is not valid for address
translation, and the rest of the entry is available for software use; none
of the other bits in the entry is tested by the hardware.
Figure 5-11
illustrates the format of a page-table entry when P=0.
If P=0 in either level of page tables when an attempt is made to use a
page-table entry for address translation, the processor signals a page
exception. In software systems that support paged virtual memory, the
page-not-present exception handler can bring the required page into physical
memory. The instruction that caused the exception can then be reexecuted.
Refer to
Chapter 9
for more information on exception handlers .
Note that there is no present bit for the page directory itself. The page
directory may be not-present while the associated task is suspended, but the
operating system must ensure that the page directory indicated by the CR3
image in the TSS is present in physical memory before the task is
dispatched . Refer to
Chapter 7
for an explanation of the TSS and task
The processor sets the corresponding accessed bits in both levels of page
tables to one before a read or write operation to a page.
The processor sets the dirty bit in the second-level page table to one
before a write to an address covered by that page table entry. The dirty bit
in directory entries is undefined.
An operating system that supports paged virtual memory can use these bits
to determine what pages to eliminate from physical memory when the demand
for memory exceeds the physical memory available. The operating system is
responsible for testing and clearing these bits.
Refer to
Chapter 11
for how the 80386 coordinates updates to the accessed
and dirty bits in multiprocessor systems.
The existence of the page-translation cache is invisible to applications
programmers but not to systems programmers; operating-system programmers
must flush the cache whenever the page tables are changed. The
page-translation cache can be flushed by either of two methods:
Chapter 5 -- Memory ManagementFigure 5-8. Format of a Linear Address
31 22 21 12 11 0
| | | |
| | | |
Figure 5-9. Page Translation
+-----------+-----------+----------+ +---------------+
| DIR | PAGE | OFFSET | | |
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----+ | |
| | | | |
+-------------+ | +------------->| PHYSICAL |
| | | ADDRESS |
| +---------------+ | +---------------+ | |
| | | | | | +---------------+
| | | | |---------------| ^
| | | +-->| PG TBL ENTRY |--------------+
| |---------------| |---------------|
+->| DIR ENTRY |--+ | |
|---------------| | | |
| | | | |
+---------------+ | +---------------+
^ | ^
+-------+ | +---------------+
| CR3 |--------+
5.2.3 Page Tables
A page table is simply an array of 32-bit page specifiers. A page table is
itself a page, and therefore contains 4 Kilobytes of memory or at most 1K
32-bit entries.
5.2.4 Page-Table Entries
Entries in either level of page tables have the same format.
Figure 5-10
illustrates this format. Page Frame Address
The page frame address specifies the physical starting address of a page.
Because pages are located on 4K boundaries, the low-order 12 bits are always
zero. In a page directory, the page frame address is the address of a page
table. In a second-level page table, the page frame address is the address
of the page frame that contains the desired memory operand. Present Bit
The Present bit indicates whether a page table entry can be used in address
translation. P=1 indicates that the entry can be used.
Figure 5-10. Format of a Page Table Entry
31 12 11 0
| | | | | | |U|R| |
| PAGE FRAME ADDRESS 31..12 | AVAIL |0 0|D|A|0 0|/|/|P|
| | | | | | |S|W| |
Figure 5-11. Invalid Page Table Entry
31 1 0
| | |
| | |
+--------------------------------------------------------------+-+ Accessed and Dirty Bits
These bits provide data about page usage in both levels of the page tables.
With the exception of the dirty bit in a page directory entry, these bits
are set by the hardware; however, the processor does not clear any of these
bits. Read/Write and User/Supervisor Bits
These bits are not used for address translation, but are used for
page-level protection, which the processor performs at the same time as
address translation . Refer to
Chapter 6
where protection is discussed in
5.2.5 Page Translation Cache
For greatest efficiency in address translation, the processor stores the
most recently used page-table data in an on-chip cache. Only if the
necessary paging information is not in the cache must both levels of page
tables be referenced.
prev: 5.1 Segment Translation
next: 5.3 Combining Segment and Page Translation